Sunday, 22 February 2015

The “recollections” of a former chief scientific advisor

Just when you thought it was safe …

I have already told you that we have not heard the last of scientists and their Will to Power. And in The Guardian newspaper on February 5th, a devote of the secular Abrahamic belief system known as Western science, presented some “recollections” of time spent as chief scientific advisor to the president of the European Commission. I use the word “recollections” deliberately, but you will have to wait many months before you see why.

In the article we learn that one of the former chief scientific advisor’s “recollections” is disappointment that the relationship with the president was not as close as it could have been, and that, (one-to-one) meetings with the president were not very frequent. This begs the question: why was that so? I speculate, but could it be that Barroso realised that, if you sit in a room with a tiger, it will eventually eat you. Most likely we will never know unless Barroso at some point in the future reveals his side of the story – his own “recollections”.

In the former chief scientific advisor’s “recollections” we also learn that the (at the time) new appointee to the post of president, Jean-Claude Juncker, would have nothing to do with the doomed chief scientific advisor. All praise to President Juncker for taking such a stance. Perhaps he too recognised the dangers of having a tiger sitting in the room. Perhaps he also understood that the demand from scientists that they must have a seat in government are just the words of a vested interest group, and the people who make such demands, along with their organisations, are the ones who stand to gain the most, in terms of power, money and kudos, from the realisation of such. Perhaps, and I would like to believe this, he also recognised that such demands are fundamentally undemocratic and that all such previous outings of scientific government – which requires totalitarianism to sustain – have led to disaster. The belief that it will be, “different next time” is just collective delusion and denial, which is something scientists, including chief scientific advisors and former ones, have in abundance, along with much hubris.

We also learn from the article that there is a new book coming out soon in which a longer essay of “recollections” will be published, so more opportunities for exploring whether there is anything other than just “smoke and mirrors” to these “recollections”, and if there is anything more than just one individuals attempts to write their own history, to create myths. And a whole book, by highly deluded, but dangerous people, advocating the rule of science and reason, and mapping out how they, for the common good, will be running your lives in future, is bound to be a rich source of material for satire, which is exactly what this lunatic fringe deserve.

Which brings me to the matter of art and literature, which you should understand, does not exist for the purpose of communicating how marvellous science and scientist are to an increasingly sceptical and distrusting public, but to expose the reasons why people should be sceptical and distrustful, and to help people to understand that they do not have to accept the perversity that Western science has become. The former use of art is just propaganda, and people who advocate art for the purposes of glorifying science, stand in the company of Stalin and Hitler – it is the new religious art. Art exists to help people fly, to set them free from dogmas, including that of Western science. And art can also help people find an alternative path that leads away from the world that chief scientific advisors and former ones, are creating.

Recall that two weeks ago, in an article about extremists masquerading in a cloak of respectability, I said that it is time to take a peaceful stand against extremism in all forms, before the social, economic, and political conditions become such that the extremists’ simplistic ideas and solutions begin to look attractive. Recall also that last week I wrote about the inevitability of a third round of genocide in Europe.

Everything is connected …

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Genocide in Europe – it will happen again

Today I will start to fulfil a promise that I made at the beginning of 2015 to examine a matter that most people do not want to read about – genocide, and also the killing of human beings based on ideology and dogma, or for the common good, or because it is just convenient to do so. This will be a series of articles and I begin by reminding you that the Nazi programme of genocide perpetrated against the Jewish people, gypsies, the disabled, Slavic peoples, and homosexuals, was not a unique event. It has happened in several places in the world since the end of the Second World War, including Europe. The list is already long:

Nazi Germany and “The Holocaust”

These are just the cases people are willing to accept as being genocide, for when one starts to study this matter one discovers that genocide has never happened – collective denial is one of the characteristics of genocide. Genocide is what the bad people (our enemies) do, but we, democracy loving European peoples (and those on our side), would never do such a thing! History though tells a different story, but most do not want to know about this – collective denial!

As for all those Europeans who, after the Second World War, thought it would never happen again in Europe– well, Bosnia proved they were wrong! And the same goes for those Europeans who now think that it will not happen a third time – it will, and the architects of the next genocide will be those who subscribe to the secular Abrahamic religion known as Western science. And the model for it has already being created and implemented, only most people are not willing to admit that this is the case – collective denial!

More on these matters to follow …

Sunday, 8 February 2015

UKIP – extremists masquerading as respectable politicians

It would be easy to dismiss UKIP as a political party composed of “nutcases and fruitcakes”, to use the colloquial. And indeed this is how they are often portrayed. This however is dangerous, for behind the apparent lunacy there is a pernicious right-wing ideology – one of classification, the emphasis of differences, and exclusion, with the implication that these “others” are not  like “us”, and are in someway, suffering from a “deficit” which ultimately makes them “lesser people”. In the eyes of UKIP, people are to be treated differently and excluded because of their – ethnic origins, race, social status, and who knows what else. Hence the comments, recently reported in the press, made by one UKIP general election candidate, that “benefit claimants should be banned from driving.” This follows on from other words spoken by a UKIP MEP, who, it is said, called for “unemployed people to be banned from voting.” Classification, emphasis of differences, and exclusion! So be in no doubt that UKIP is a right-wing nationalist party.

Does this sound familiar? It should do, for it is the basis on which apartheid in South Africa was based, and the segregation of whites and blacks in the southern states of the USA, and Nazi policy towards … everyone who did not fit with their perverse views of what constituted a normal human being. It is also the basis upon which the European slave trade was based. It is also one of the steps that leads to genocide.

So how will UKIP’ policies evolve with regard to those from places like Romanian, for the unemployed, for those claiming benefits, for homosexuals, for others that do not fit with their perverse views of what constitutes a normal human being? Perhaps a special badge – a yellow star for example … This is the second step towards genocide – symbolisation.

And UKIP are not the only extremists trying to wear the cloak of respectability. Scientists also classify and differentiate people, for anyone who now questions science is seen as being different, and in someway suffering from a deficit that requires “special treatment”. And here lies a hidden danger, for extremist can be found in unexpected places, like for example, in the offices of chief scientific advisors and former ones too. It now time to take a peaceful stand against extremism in all forms, before the social, economic, and political conditions become such that the extremists’ simplistic ideas and solutions begin to look attractive, for this too is one of the steps on the road to genocide.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Better and more communication - it seems to be the answer to everything!

Scientist claim it and so do politicians: “What we need,” they say, “is more communication.” Then, so the belief goes, people will understand and everything will be fine.

Looking at an email from the European Commission’s DG CONNECT newsroom, I see that the new President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has made better communication with the public a priority. We are to be helped to understand what the EU does and how it affects us.

This implies that we are suffering from a deficit and that through communication we will be helped to realise just how wonderful the EU is, and then all will be well.

Let me now look at the best evidence for this statement. Oh dear! I cannot find any.

Now I turn to science. Here to we are being told that we are suffering from a deficit and that through communication we will be helped to realise just how wonderful Western science is, and then all will be well.

Let me now look at the best evidence for this statement. Oh dear! I cannot find any.

Best evidence it seems is something that arises when one is seeking to push a particular agenda, but at all other times, scientists are just like everyone else – expressing their beliefs and opinions, which is actually what they do when they pushing a particular agenda too, it is just that then they hide behind a cloak of respectability and say, in effect, “trust me I am scientist.”  Not a chance.

In both cases that I mentioned above, you will note that there are no thoughts that there may be things fundamentally wrong (in the first case with the EU and in the second, with Western science), with the result that we, the people, will always look upon both with distrust and scepticism.

So why is this important? In Europe we see a rise, once more, of nationalism and the nasty things that go with it – yet more dogma and perverse views. More extremism! And it may just be possible that the EU is responsible for this, and by refusing to consider the notion that there is something fundamentally wrong, the EU could be fuelling the rise of nationalism. It is the old problem of collective denial and delusion, and an inclination of the human mind to reduce matters to statements of simple problems with simple solutions. The same goes for scientists as well – simplification and reduction is what they excel at. And it is we ordinary people who will pay the price for this – more human suffering and misery resulting from the actions of  dogmatic people inflicting their simple solutions, their final solutions, on the rest of humanity.

It is time to take peaceful action to stop this while we can.