Sunday, 5 July 2015

All human life is sacred …

‘All human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong; there are no exceptions’

(Enigma, 2013)

And who exactly do you hear saying such a thing these days. Richard Dawkins? No. Secular Politicians? No. Deluded former chief scientific advisors? No. Vainglorious scientists speaking about the nature of reality as if it were possible for humans to perceive reality? No. Economists espousing the dogma of free markets? No. Western atheists preaching their gospel? No. Communists with their sole truths? No.

Where then? Actually the answer is those people who truly understand and put into practice their religion based on love, compassion and forgiveness. And the fact that there are so called religious people who do not abide by the ‘absolute prohibition’ on the taking of human life, should serve as a warning about ‘secular people’ who do not even recognise that: ‘all human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong; there are no exceptions.’ If people whose beliefs are based on the concept that taking a human life is fundamentally wrong, can engage in so much murder and killing, what chance do you think secularists (who do not embrace the idea of the sanctity of human life) have, of not engaging in the killing of human beings when they find it convenient to do so?

Fortunately you do not need to think too much about this for history demonstrates the answer to this question. How many people do you think have died as a result of Science, Capitalism, Communism, Western Atheism? The answer: hundreds of millions. I rightly hear lots of condemnation of killing in the name of region, but people of the Western world are very quiet when it comes to condemnation of killing in the name of … those things that they are part of and hold dear in their minds. So … ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’

If we do not change as people, we will continue with the madness that has brought, and continues to bring, suffering into our world. The madness comes from one place – the human mind, the place of so-called reason, which allows people to reason that there are ‘exceptions’ to the absolute rule that all human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong. Thus I repeat my message:

‘All human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong; there are no exceptions’

“And you men are the worst offenders when it comes to the violation of this. Yes it’s me Julia, once more! xxx”

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