Sunday, 26 July 2015

The Greek crisis illustrates what is wrong with the EU: It has abandoned its peoples to the power of money

The European Union has abandoned its peoples to the power of money, as the Greek sovereign debt crisis well illustrates, and while those with money prosper, it is the ordinary people who have to suffer. This will be your future too as slowly the neoliberals take away all the rights and power that ordinary people have acquired over time. And the UK Government is leading the way. The only thing that matters now is money! And every group in society is becoming corrupted by money (including it seems – some artists).

In an interview with The Guardian newspaper Jurgen Habermas said:

“Key decisions are being taken by the Council, the European Commission and ECB – in other words, the very institutions that are either insufficiently legitimated to take such decisions or lack any democratic basis. Streeck and I also share the view that this technocratic hollowing out of democracy is the result of a neoliberal pattern of market-deregulation policies. The balance between politics and the market has come out of sync, at the cost of the welfare state.”

Recall my criticism of the former chief scientific advisor who advocated a technocratic approach to the involvement of scientists in policymaking: yet another group that lacks legitimacy and a democratic basis, which want to work in secret and who follow the neo-liberal agenda. DG CONNECT’s ICT-ART CONNECT (STARTS) initiative is formulated in the same way.

Now is the time for peaceful resistance, because there are groups of people like scientists who are undemocratically acquiring power and seeking to establish their rule. And then what follows is already known for it is written in the history books. And in the technocratic organisation that is the European Commission, these power seeking groups have found a fertile environment for their technocratic system of government to take root.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

There are many things wrong with the EU: To leave or not to leave that is the question

I have much experience of the European Union (EU) having been involved in European Commission research programmes since the 1980s. There is much that needs to change, as the saga of the former chief scientific advisor and the contempt that she demonstrated for those elected to the European Parliament, well demonstrates. One of the biggest problems with the EU is the European Commission, about which I have many disturbing stories to tell, and DG CONNECT’s ICT-ART CONNECT (STARTS) initiative will be a classic!

The UK is an advocate for change and should therefore take on this monster that the European Commission has become. A hard task for sure, but not an impossible one.

In my book A Tale of Two Deserts I wrote the following:

“This is the power of one; it can change anything! Plant the seed of a tree today, and next year there is a young sapling, but in a hundred years, though, there may be a small wood, and in a thousand years, a forest. This is how we can transform and heal the world. No one needs to be hurt and no one has to die to create a better place for all. Someone just needs to say, ‘that which is now will be no more’, and to peacefully start making this so. The climate of thought will eventually begin to change and others will start to see the value and join in.”

The power of one can change the EU. This is a positive perspective. We should be seeking harmony, inclusion, sharing, and cooperation and not surrendering to the power of money. Alas there are many extremists who are looking to the past and offering simple and damaging ideas based on nationalism, which seems to be the only alternative to the EU. It’s that binary thinking again! And it seems to me that the European Commission is playing into the hands of the extremists by providing them with the ammunition they need, with DG CONNECT’s ICT-ART CONNECT (STARTS) initiative being an example: a case of the European Commission meddling in matters they do not understand and surrounding themselves with people with conflicts of interest, who are happy to speak words that reinforce the Commission’s delusion that it knows what it is doing (Charming Snakes & also the Director General’s New Clothes (coming soon)).

To leave or not to leave that is the question. And we the British people will be asked this question in 2017. In the past I would have said that we should not leave, but now I am not so sure. So self-evidently I will be returning to this matter in due course.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Charming snakes

Black snake oil …

The conceited black snake was worried for black snake oil was failing and black snakes and their industry were being questioned. People were rejecting black snake oil and discovering that better snake oil could be found elsewhere. Black snakes self evidently needed to become more ‘creative’ so that black snake oil would be more innovative. By becoming more innovative, it was hoped, black snake oil could be embedded more gracefully into society, or, to put it another way – black snakes would be able to manipulate people into accepting black snake oil.

The black snake, predatory as ever, caught sight of the white snake and saw in it an opportunity to reacquire some credibility and relevance, these now being long lost. It then rose up slightly from its coiled position and looked at the unsuspecting white snake.

The white snake had been lying quietly, in its innocence and naivety, and noticed the attention that the devious black snake was paying to it.

“That black snake is interested in me,” thought the white snake, and, feeling charmed, it too rose up and both then they looked at each other, neither blinking, for neither could.

The black snake too, even with its sense of superiority, was charmed, and it said to itself, “the white snake is interested in me.” Whereupon it said, “I thought perhaps that we might CONNECT black snake oil with white, and explore its innovative potential.” It then moved its head to its left, rising a little higher as it did so.

“Oh fantastic,” thought the poor white snake, who was now much charmed. “The black snake is interested in white snake oil.” Whereupon it said, “oh yes, black and white snake oil must surely go together.” Then the white snake moved its head to its right, it too raising its head slightly higher.

The evil black snake was now even more charmed, because the gullible white snake wanted to CONNECT, and it thought to itself, “I was right, the white snake does have something that can enhance the creativity of black snakes and improve black snake oil.” And then it said to the lowly white snake, “we should CONNECT black and white snake oil for this would be new.” Then it moved its head to its right, positioning it even higher in the process of doing so.

The white snake followed suit, and moved its head to its left and slightly higher, feeling now very charmed indeed, and thinking, “the black snake thinks that CONNECTING black and white snake oil is new, so it said, “indeed we should CONNECT black and white snake oil, for this surely would be something new.”

The devious black snake was now feeling very proud and charmed beyond anything that it had experienced previously, and it said to itself, “ah, so CONNECTING black and white snake oil is new, just as I thought,” so it said to the increasingly charmed white snake, as it, the black snake, moved its head to its left and even higher, “we should undertake a study to show that CONNECTING black and white snake oil is indeed innovative and worth doing to enhance the creativity of black snakes.”

The white snake was now lost in its desire to please the black snake and it moved its head to its right and tried hard to raise its head up to the level of that of the black snake, but failed to do so. As it did this, it thought to itself, “oh, it wants to do a study that will show just how innovative CONNECTING black and white snake oil is and how it will enhance black snakes’ creativity.” So it said to the deluded black snake, “I am very charmed that you think that white snake oil is so worthy of your consideration, but obviously it’s the sort of study that only white snakes can do.”

“Yes indeed, and so it shall be” said the black snake which was now feeling so charmed that its vainglorious character became so obvious, but also thinking to itself, “and just to be certain, I will oversee this so that we arrive where I want to be.” It then shifted its head once more to its right and rose even higher.

The sad little white snake, feeling charmed to a degree never before experienced, did then look into the matter of CONNECTING black and white snake oil, and low and behold it did indeed find new evidence of the efficacy of CONNECTING these two snake oils.

The white snake had faithfully followed every move made by the devious black snake. As the black snake had just moved its head to its right once more, the white one also moved its head, this time to its left, but it was not now able to reach the height of the black snakes head. And then the white snake said, “behold new evidence.”

And the white snake was just thinking, “this is just what is needed …”, when – the evil black snake had seen enough, and being charmed now in the extreme, it CONNECTED with the white snake by biting it, devouring it whole, digesting it, and then, feeling charmed within itself, it set about doing that which it had always done, only calling it something different, with the result that it produced:

Black Snake oil …

Sunday, 5 July 2015

All human life is sacred …

‘All human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong; there are no exceptions’

(Enigma, 2013)

And who exactly do you hear saying such a thing these days. Richard Dawkins? No. Secular Politicians? No. Deluded former chief scientific advisors? No. Vainglorious scientists speaking about the nature of reality as if it were possible for humans to perceive reality? No. Economists espousing the dogma of free markets? No. Western atheists preaching their gospel? No. Communists with their sole truths? No.

Where then? Actually the answer is those people who truly understand and put into practice their religion based on love, compassion and forgiveness. And the fact that there are so called religious people who do not abide by the ‘absolute prohibition’ on the taking of human life, should serve as a warning about ‘secular people’ who do not even recognise that: ‘all human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong; there are no exceptions.’ If people whose beliefs are based on the concept that taking a human life is fundamentally wrong, can engage in so much murder and killing, what chance do you think secularists (who do not embrace the idea of the sanctity of human life) have, of not engaging in the killing of human beings when they find it convenient to do so?

Fortunately you do not need to think too much about this for history demonstrates the answer to this question. How many people do you think have died as a result of Science, Capitalism, Communism, Western Atheism? The answer: hundreds of millions. I rightly hear lots of condemnation of killing in the name of region, but people of the Western world are very quiet when it comes to condemnation of killing in the name of … those things that they are part of and hold dear in their minds. So … ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’

If we do not change as people, we will continue with the madness that has brought, and continues to bring, suffering into our world. The madness comes from one place – the human mind, the place of so-called reason, which allows people to reason that there are ‘exceptions’ to the absolute rule that all human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong. Thus I repeat my message:

‘All human life is sacred and the taking of a human life is wrong; there are no exceptions’

“And you men are the worst offenders when it comes to the violation of this. Yes it’s me Julia, once more! xxx”