Sunday, 15 May 2016

ICT, Art and STARTS: a poem about DG CONNECT and STARTS

“They dance around in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”

Many thanks to Robert Frost for wring the poem that in few words sums up DG CONNECT technocrats and their collaborators – predominantly men (no surprises!) – and all the supposing upon which STARTS is based – and by implication, also SEAD and STEAM.

Too much dancing around and supposing in STARTing, SEADing and STEAMing! Far too much! And to those who discover the Secret, the future belongs.

And yes, we have slightly modified Robert’s original words.

Julia xxx
The feminist artist part of the art-technology pairing that is – Julia and Paul
Boosting synergies between artists and technologists, breaking down silos, correcting creativity deficits, and creating unconventional and compelling products and services!

Next week we make a small diversion away from writing our book about DG CONNECT and STARTS, to something of a related nature.

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