A follow-up to a previous blog …
The world has gone mad! You may have heard people saying
this, and if proof were needed, look no further than a Swedish child with Asperger
syndrome having a temper tantrum at the September 2019 UN Climate Action Summit,
while engaging in her rant about how others – those possessing the property of
otherness – in this case climate change heretics (those who have not been
indoctrinated into the repent your sins
for the end of the world in nigh ideology of the messianic Swedish child)
are blamed for destroying her future. Only one person is responsible for that –
the Swedish child with Asperger syndrome!
Looking beyond the echo chamber in which, no doubt, some of
her devotees dwell, picking up (oh so accurate?) information from that (oh so
reliable?) information source called the world-wide-web and a proliferation of
social-networks (complete with imaginary friends), I suggest a remedy for their
misguided thoughts, which are of course beliefs – secular religious beliefs! They
are part of a socially constructed reality in case you were wondering. I’m
afraid you will need to be familiar with one of the classic works of sociology
to understand what I am referring to. Most people are not familiar.
And that remedy – I suggest that those who are still able to
read, should do just that – read that is! I mean books. Hard work! Yes of
course. Nothing worth having comes easy! In particular, as a starting point,
read William Golding’s Lord of the Flies!
You might also want to familiarize yourself with Asperger syndrome as well! You
might then look at the Swedish child in a different way and realise how
potentially dangerous she is. You might also want to reflect upon just how easy
it is for people to follow messianic figures. The world went mad in the 1930s
as well!
Lord of the Flies
is a novel about children’s attempt to govern themselves in a situation where
there are no adults to govern them. Whether children have Asperger syndrome or
not, there is a reason why children do not get to become Prime Ministers,
Presidents or to determine environmental policies! Read the novel to find out
more about what a world run by children – with or without Asperger syndrome –
might be like!
Lord of the Flies
is interpreted as a story about the conflicting human impulses
toward civilisation and social organisation – living by rules,
peacefully and in harmony – and toward the will to power. Themes include
the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational
and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality. How these play
out, and how different people feel the influences of these, form a major
subtext of Lord of the Flies.
The name Lord of the Flies is a
literal translation of Beelzebub.
Some people might think that Beelzebub is highly appropriate to the Swedish child, judging by
the hate speech directed against her. Such thoughts though are inappropriate.
The point is that there is another side to the Swedish child that people are
missing, and that is the potential danger she poses to civilisation, as her
message encourages young people to give up on civilisation and social
organisation. Her negative message somewhat misses the point too, because
children, like many adults, do not understand the science of climate change,
and they also overestimate the integrity of the scientific community, being as
they are naïve children lacking in worldly experience. More on the integrity
issue at the end!
The aforementioned interpretation of Lord of the Flies does of course have relevance to issues around
global warming, and the contradictions between what people think collectively
(socially constructed reality) and individually (special people who see what
others do not see – artists for example if you believe such myths, or children
with Asperger syndrome who think that they are special (this it seems is what the Swedish
child told the BBC!), who become messianic. Think back to the 1930s – surely
the world has had enough of such people and the mass hysteria that they create?
Or perhaps not! Perhaps people want more of that sort of madness?
What individuals think, based on what some psychologists
call, fast thinking, could be very different from what individuals think based
on slow thinking. Fast thinking though is natural and automatic and can be wrong.
Everyone thinks fast, including scientists! Esteemed presenters of natural
history programmes also think fast and can be wrong. So, I suppose, do children
with Asperger syndrome. Or perhaps you want to believe that is not the case?
How can one tell whether what people are saying is not the
result of fast thinking with its high risk of systematic error? What implication
does this systematic error have for humanity? This is why I study flawed
decision making. It is more common than people realise. Experts in particular
are prone to this problem including scientists, esteemed presenters of natural
history programmes, artists, and others too! Everyone in fact including the
Swedish child! And the followers of Extinction Rebellion! Even the ones who say
they are former senior police officers! There is no escape from fast thinking.
The only remedy is to slow down, take a long time to analyse the original
source material, and start critically questioning what people are saying. And
you have the free time for this do you? And the specialist knowledge and
Probably you will know (you have acquired an understanding)
that children are innocent and that out
of the mouths of babes … In other words children can say things which might
seem wise and perhaps, unconstrained by social norms, will say things that
adults will not say (but perhaps need to say!). Thus, when a child with Asperger
syndrome turns up, apparently saying wise things, and claiming that because she
has Asperger syndrome she sees things that other people cannot see, you may
have a strong inclination to believe her, even though you probably know nothing
or very little about Asperger syndrome. This will not stop you from believing –
because it is a good story and seems to make sense, even if it is not correct.
This is an example of fast thinking – fast and automatic.
Thus you might also accept too, that young people have no future and that
causing young people to miss out on their education by not attending school is
not a problem, and that the Swedish child with Asperger syndrome is not leading
young people astray. Back to Lord of the
If you try to stop this automatic process and make an effort
to think through issues slowly, in other words critically, you might become
horrified by the idea that someone, because of their condition, who may have an
obsession with one narrow subject, who may engage in restricted patterns of
behaviour and who may also have a very literal understanding of language, who
may also struggle with the natural ambiguities of language, and think people
always mean exactly what they say, is encouraging people to miss school and
damage their future.
This is the future that collectively the world is making –
which is (perhaps?) in the longer term, more damaging to humanity than issues
which apparently have already rendered young peoples’ futures irrelevant and
not worth working for – a message of hopeless! Abandon hope all ye who enter
The way for young people to make a better future for
themselves and the rest of the world, is through education, not through listening
to those who think that the future has been stolen from young people. The
future belongs to no one, and is made by those who journey to the future, not
by those who encourage the young to give up this precious gift called
Politicians declaring climate emergencies does nothing to
solve the issue – but it does make them popular! Hence populist politicians,
like in Scotland, who in contradictory style, declare the primacy of a border
(leave the UK), while simultaneously declaring borders to be irrelevant (join
the EU), or who (again contradictorily) declare climate emergencies while looking
to the extraction and sale of more fossil fuels (oil) to enable the implementation
of that other contradictory policy that declares the primacy of a border, while
simultaneously declaring borders to be irrelevant. Well they are politicians!
Thinking politicians? What do you believe?
And to that matter of the integrity of scientists, and
others who I would say, dwell in the House of Salomon
(or Solomon if you prefer). If you are wondering what I am referring to it is
because you do indeed need to read more books!
I have spent my working life surround by those who dwell in
the House of Salomon, and understand them better than most, and I speak their
disciplinary languages as well. For many decades I have been monitoring and
recording case studies of their flawed decision making, noting too an
increasing lack of integrity in that domain called research, from which the
climate change narrative emerges. I have noted too, how people who do not
support this particular narrative are treated. Not very scientifically, but essentially
as heretics, which is why I have also studied the social sciences and looked
for explanations why people behave in this way, and indeed why people believe
others, like scientists, who have a dark history that cannot be dismissed as a
few bad apples, or as aberrations. This latter statement may conflict with your
beliefs: yes the word is correct – beliefs.
The scandal of Eugenics is a prime example of scientists and
their lack of integrity – and morals! It is something that still persists
today, only few now dare to say openly what they think, which is not
scientific, but just prejudice masquerading as science. By way of example, I
suggest you look at Richard Dawkins’ imbecilic views on Down’s Syndrome – do
you really believe that his opinions are the result of scientific work and critical
thinking, that he has spoken to people with Down’s Syndrome? If you do then you
are part of a socially constructed reality – a very dangerous one that would
have been well appreciated in Berlin between 1933 and 1945.
This is an appropriate moment to mention an eminent British
evolutionary biologist talking scientific nonsense. Sir Julian Huxley, FRS! Note
the letters FRS which is the highest scientific accolade available in the UK –
FRS or Fellow of the Royal Society. You should watch Julian Huxley’s 1937 film Heredity in Man. It is available for
free viewing on the British Film Institute web site (https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-heredity-in-man-1937-online).
The film is described as “a chilling insight into the brave new world of
pre-Holocaust eugenics.” Notice the language he uses – “mental defectives” and “maintaining
the race at a high level, physically and mentally”. Do not be fooled into
thinking these are the perverse views of one individual – there was what
scientists call, a scientific consensus around this eugenics nonsense. If you
do watch the film, notice the (scientific?) (pseudo-scientific?) prediction at
the end. Can you see the flaws in this model and his arguments? If not you might
want to rant and scream about the need to listen to these scientists, for your
future is being destroyed because the purity of the race will be destroyed by
(to use Huxley’s words) “mental defectives” who are going to swamp all normal
people (that’s another phrase Huxley uses – what exactly is a normal person?).
If you follow the Swedish child’s advice to listen to the
scientists, you will want to implement Huxley’s brave new world, and rant and
scream at those who are Eugenics Deniers! Or perhaps you are going to be
inconsistent – which is okay, because that is what people are.
Here is something else to imagine. It is the early 19th
century and a different (earlier) Swedish child with Asperger syndrome has just
read Thomas Malthus’ (another Fellow of the Royal Society) Essay on Population. Its full title is: An Essay on the Principle of Population; or A View of its Past and
Present Effects on Human Happiness; with An Inquiry into Our Prospects
Respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils that it Occasions.
Suddenly this different Swedish child is ranting, saying we should listen to
the scientists, otherwise my future will be destroyed because there will not be
enough food to feed the population. Perhaps you might want to join in the
chorus? Or perhaps you might see the flaws in Malthus’ oh so scientific model
and predictions! Or perhaps not! Self-evidently his prediction of the global food emergency that was already
happening turned out to be – a false prediction. I wonder why?
The most fundamental problems of humanity are not external,
but lie within us, for we are fundamentally flawed, and the flaw lies in the
mind. Most of what you think is knowledge – what you know – is not knowledge in
the philosopher's sense of justified true belief, but in the sociologist’s sense
that, if enough people believe something, then it is knowledge. Hence Eugenics,
Communism, National Socialism, and climate change hysteria, to mention just a
few examples of human madness based on – knowledge. He who eats the fruit of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil will surely die.
Beware those who with beguiling words speak of scientific consensus,
for it may just be another way of describing human behaviour in group
situations, and what people want to believe based on knowledge – that is to say
beliefs! And how many of you have the knowledge (in the sense of justified true
belief) to understand this, regardless of age and Asperger syndrome? So please
do listen to the scientists, and then question what they say, for as Hannah
Arendt writes at the end of her book The
Origins of Totalitarianism, “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not
the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the
distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the
distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer
exist.” As I said at the beginning, the world has gone mad for we are
increasingly seeing people whose reality of experience and standards of thought
are that of the ideal subject of totalitarian rule. Quite a few scientists fall
into that group, as Huxley demonstrates, which is perhaps why scientists and
engineers so enthusiastically embraced the new world order that was National
Socialism. More books to read!
I find it difficult to convey to people using this genre
(blogs), the extent to which people and organisations that speak with the voice
of authority by virtue of their standing in society, are engaging in
communicating misinformation and false truth claims. Huxley illustrates this. So
does Dawkins. The problem seems to have grown as mass media has also expanded,
and anyone can now broadcast their beliefs to an audience hungry to believe in
something (anything?).
The evidence I collect increasingly points to people who
dwell in the House of Salomon being either morally corrupt, ignorant, or
incompetent, sometimes all three. And few want to believe this. This is why I
have turned to developing another genre – the scriptovisual – for as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in the text of
his Nobel Lecture, beauty saves the world. More reading!
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