Sunday, 27 March 2016

ICT, Art and STARTS: DG CONNECT, art-science, art-technology and POWAQQATSI

From the film POWAQQATSI: (from the Hopi language, powaq sorcerer + qatsi life) n., an entity, a way of life, that consumes the life forces of other beings in order to further its own life.

This is what DG CONNECT, what scientists, what technologists will try to do to art – they will try to consume it to further their own ideology and dogma. It has already STARTED … The SEADs are sown … The process is STEAMing ahead.

STEM driven art-science/art-technology practices: STEM consuming art to further its own life – POWAQQATSI.

And while they go about consuming life forces, do you think that they are going to be paying artists at STEM salary rates?

We will show those who are still able to listen how to do something completely different, but this thing that we reveal, it will be a heresy to those from the Western world, but not to those of the mysterious East.

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