In several blog entries I have in the past referred to what
I term the Prometheus Syndrome, a condition where people are blind to why they
do what they do, being, metaphorically speaking, bound by invisible chains to
the rock of the past, which then leads them to create a future that is just the
past with all its problems, but usually with a bit more new science,
engineering or technology added. This theme and its consequences are explored
in my new novel, Moments in Time.
Here in this blog I want to explain what the Prometheus Syndrome is in terms of
concepts taken from the business and philosophy of science literature.
When I speak of the Prometheus Syndrome I am referring to
what is called a paradigm.
Everyone involved in science, technology,
engineering, business, economics, and so forth, carries around in their head
the paradigm to which they adhere. These consist of a set of core beliefs and assumptions specific and relevant to the
activities that people are involved with, and these are shared in common with others.
This is the essence of a paradigm: it is taken for granted and not seen as
problematic by those who adhere to it. The paradigm defines how things are done and what is
A paradigm, however, is a double edged sword,
because it is both helpful and unhelpful, depending on the circumstances.
Associated with a paradigm is a mind-set, a way of thinking which means that people
become over-sensitised to some particular aspect of their domain or available
information, at the expense of other parts. This over-sensitising is useful,
because it helps people to become sensitised to important things, and to patterns
that remind people of problems successfully solved, and this often serves very
The problem with paradigms however, is that they
blind people to discontinuities that render past approaches and solutions
inappropriate. Discontinuities are defined as non-linearities that
either render aspects of prevailing practices inappropriate, or which provide
new opportunities, or open up entirely new ways of working. These
discontinuities can render assumptions and practices invalid and inappropriate.
This makes extrapolating into the future based on the past, an exercise of little
value. When discontinuities occur, the success stories of yesterday can have
little relevance to the problems of tomorrow. In fact, according to Charles
Handy, a leading business thinker from the 1990s, these success stories might
even be damaging since the world, at every level, has to be reinvented to some
failure to recognise discontinuities often leads to the adoption of incorrect
change strategies. The assumption is that whatever needs to change is just a
matter of evolution in approaches. The evolutionary view is based on the belief that there is
nothing fundamentally wrong with the way things are being done, and that all
that is required are some slight adjustments to compensate for the changed
The belief that only
slight adjustments are needed to a paradigm in order to bring the way things are
done into line with new requirements has a technical name. In terms of change
this view corresponds to model known as morphostatic change. This simply means that the type of change people face
is incremental. The established order is maintained by treating disturbances as
external noise requiring minor adjustments.
What the modern world
faces at this moment in time, are a massive discontinuities in the form of structural
changes that render morphostatic change inappropriate. In circumstances such as those now
challenging us to act, what is needed is a major change to the existing paradigms. In terms of the theory of change, what I am advocating is called morphogenic change. This simply means a type of change that produces a different
order to that which existed previously. Disturbances are now treated as
information about the inappropriateness of established practices, and this
leads to fundamental changes in methods and principles.
Incidentally what is
written above is not new. Much of the above text is taken from one of my books,
published in 1994! This is the measure of how far behind, in terms of thinking,
concepts and understandings, the worlds of science, engineering and technology are.
One might say that these people work with 21st century technologies,
21st century knowledge, but with stone-age minds. This is also
partly the answer to the question posed many blogs back, when I asked concerning scientists: why
simultaneously so smart yet so stupid? A case of relatively Advanced Knowledge, coupled with stupid beliefs!
problem with paradigms is that they blind people, but the problem is compounded
by a tendency towards collective denial and delusion, which is another story,
more familiar to modern people than Prometheus, and that is the story of the
Emperor’s New Clothes. And thus is happens, as the challenges grow, the
problems worsen, people will retreat even more into the familiar, seeking to
use and apply that which has worked in the past –
that which is actually part of the problem.
what of the consequences for human civilisation, for future generations?
Probably you will not live to see the consequences. You will not want to! But
our children’s children will encounter these consequences, and they will curse
you for not having the vision, the imagination and the courage to confront and
stop the lunacy that is driving humanity towards … what I call a future that
must not be.
Moments in Time, and my even newer
work called Enigma, were both written
to help people to understand, as were my other books, Encounter with a Wise Man, and A Tale of Two Deserts. These are part of what I call This is the Journey… But the time for action has now arrived, thus
in the coming months I will start to explain about exciting work that is still
in its embryonic stages, that will help us to start building a new path for
seems that when I say that scientists, engineers and technologist are no longer
fit for purpose, others too are arriving at similar conclusions, and that we
need now to reinvent these activities by developing new types of scientific,
engineering and technological people and processes. I have coined a name for
them – Life Systems Architects, although that might change in due course. And
what I am saying is that we can no longer afford to have people who live in boxes
messing-up the world because of their
limited, micro level, blinkered views, and that the time has come to develop
trans-disciplinary people who can also call time on the delusion that somehow,
all this science and technology is neutral and is not at all a manifestation of
the desire of large corporations to make as much money as possible regardless.
Dealing with what Steinbeck, in his novel The
Grapes of Wrath, called the monster,
is necessary if we are to achieve sustainability. And science, engineering and
technology have become part of the monster. But it does not have to be like
this, but we should be under no illusion –
breaking the invisible chains that bind these people to the rock of the past
will be a Herculean task.
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