Sunday, 26 February 2017

Farewell to the European Union! Hello to the Union of Subservient State Republics!

In 2016, while writing the first draft of my forthcoming book, 366, I came across a book called The Rotten Heart of Europe. It’s about the European Commission, written by a European Commission employee, who became an ex-European Commission employee for writing the book!

Now it is 17 February 2017 and I have received an email announcing the publication by the European Commission, of the FET Flagship Interim Evaluation Report – the report which I spent 2016 writing with the FET Flagship evaluation panel. The email carries the header The FET Flagships receive positive evaluation in their journey towards ground-breaking innovation. It is of course a propaganda message – that’s what the European Commission produces these days.

Moving forward in time, it is now 22 February and a journalist has published a blog with the title: Human Brain Project: Bureaucratic Success Despite Scientific Failure.

Back in time now to 17 February and after downloading the pdf version of the report in the link in the propaganda email, I visit the Participant Portal, login into my entry in the experts’ database where I then remove what I can of my CV, replacing the content with the statement information removed. I then login to my domain name control panel and delete the email that is used as my access to the European Commission’s electronic tools, and the one by which official requests to undertake tasks for the European Commission are sent to me.

Thus now do I walk away from the European Commission, and in doing so I am implementing an idea that first appeared in my mind while sitting in a consensus meeting, in Brussels, in 2011. It was the proposal evaluation exercise that led to the six pilot projects from which the two Flagship projects – Graphene and the Human Brain Project – were eventually selected for funding. But I am not abandoning the peoples of Continental Europe to the fate that awaits them!

The European Court of Auditors (ECA) is one of several European Institutions. It carries out audits of the European Commission. It has several types of audit. One of them is called a performance audit. According to the ECA web site this type of audit asks questions such as: Do the EU funds provide value for money? Have the funds used been kept to a minimum (economy)? Have the results been achieved with the fewest possible resources (efficiency)? Have spending or policy objectives been met (effectiveness)? Perhaps it might also turn over stones like STARTS, and see exposed there the waste of public money that STARTS is, and the disingenuous claims, ignorance, etc, upon which it is founded by people in the European Commission who think that they can spend public money on their image making activities – propaganda – and that no one will see because? Good question! Why will no one see?

In 2013 I was the independent observer for the Marie Curie ITN evaluation. I have often wondered which report was submitted to the Programme Committee – the one that I wrote detailing the catalogue of avoidable and damaging events that took place during the evaluation or the one that the Research Executive Agency (REA) wrote covering up this disaster? This latter report and the cover-up I refused to be party to.

Here are some words that I have, since I first became involved with EC research projects in 1986, come to associate with the European Commission: technocracy, incompetence, corruption, ignorance, delusion, cover-up, manipulation, deception, illusion, fantasy, propaganda, elitism, contempt, ideology, scientism, …

Here is a spokesperson for the German Federal Government reading from a most unusual document to find in the public domain – Position Paper of the Federal Government on the Horizon 2020 Interim Evaluation:

“In many instances the discussions on the work programme are inadequate. Drafts of the work programme are often made available without sufficient notice in spite of the principle of comitology which stipulates that drafts must be made available 14 days before the Programme Committee meeting. The scope and quality of the data provided is also often inadequate. This means that the Programme Committee cannot fulfil its function as a counselling and control body. The coordination of Member States’ activities with activities at EU level cannot therefore be guaranteed.”

I recall writing, in the FET Flagships Interim Evaluation report, a very clear and strong statement relating to the same matter as the German spokesperson just raised, about how the Programme Committees are not provided with satisfactory information about the FET Flagships. Is this strong and clear statement still there?

Here is an extract from one of my previous blogs, the one that goes by the title Desiderata for People STARTing to STEAM:

“START by learning about DG CONNECT’s former European Commissioner – the one that could be said to be responsible for ICT ART CONNECT – who now finds herself investigated for not declaring the holding, while in office, of a directorship in an offshore company; a clear contravention of conditions laid down in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. START too by learning of OLAF’s investigation into alleged fraud by the company that led the ICT ART CONNECT project. More revelations will no doubt in time come, when the world learns of the artistic voices that DG CONNECT silenced; so reflect before STARTing to STEAM, that DG CONNECT’s woes might, one day, be yours too.”

Oh yes – STARTS! Science Technology and the Arts: The Artistic Voices that DG CONNECT Silenced. See the list of words that I provided above.

Here is that German Federal Government spokesperson again, reading from that very unusual report:

“On the matter of generating European Added Value, it remains to be shown whether and with what outcome the EU has been able to make substantial progress through concerted action. We are now seeing a growing trend towards autonomous action on the part of the Commission. The European Commission must not set political agendas without consulting the Member States.”

Here now is Sir Walter Scott reading some lines from his play Marmion:

“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”

Do you know what mushroom strategy is? I first heard this term many decades ago, in connection with what a company called ICI, I was told, used to do to its employees: keep people in the dark and shovel lots of horse manure on them!

Now I will read some words from the Treaty on European Union:

“The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.”

The European Commission does not comply with this article, which is why, many years from now, people will look at what the European Commission did, and be surprised that it was possible, given what I have just read, to which will come the reply that, these types of words were also written into the constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which too had an elected Parliament, which just rubber stamped, what the USSR's version of the European Commission had decided to do.

Thus in Continental Europe did the Union of Subservient State Republics come to be! The process has already STARTed as the German Federal Government spokesperson has just indicated. Back to STARTS again – soon, I think, I will START work on a new book called Art-Science Fakes: An Epistolary Tale of Scientific Reduction to Ignorance. This will be a story about how STEM people, including those in the European Commission, as well as some artists, are rewriting art’s history to make it fit with their ideology and the rule of science and reason, which you will find is what the new USSR will be based upon. Thus will the people of Continental Europe once more fall under the tyranny of perverse ideology and dogma! And the rewriting of art’s history is an attempt by this new ruling class in waiting, to use art to legitimise their forthcoming rule, and the crimes that they will reason are necessary for the sake of the rule of science and reason.

I have seen the future of the peoples of Continental Europe, and it is your past!

And what exactly will take place that will lead the European Commission to do the things that it is going to do? The answer is very simple; what has always been the case – world events! Some of these you have already witnessed. More will follow.

Thus, now disconnected from the European Commission, and soon to be outside the EU, the Customs Union, and the Internal Market, will I walk with you to the edge of doom! Have you learned yet how to listen to me, fair lady with the beautiful soul, for I speak to you and to you alone?